
So Much for Photos, Let's do Illustrations!

In pursuit of new interests, I now have work listed on three of the stock photo sites. It is a small (so far) selection of drawings and illustrations instead of photos.

It is difficult, at best, to get top shelf, major mega pixel photos with the equipment I have and frustration finally got the best of me!

A couple have already had nibbles and that just jazzes me to no end!

You'd think after nearly 40 years of earning my living producing and selling this sort of stuff that something like a 50 cent sale would be an "OMG! What a waste of time!" But no... I still get excited as a kid at Christmas to discover a new way to do something or a fresh, new venue! I sure wish there was time to devote to getting more of these done, but bills must be paid!

The process is a little involved the way I do it. I haven't had the time to make the learning curve on using the proper software for the actual (easy) creation of these pieces. I have to freehand them first, trace it on film to get clean lines, scan the durn thing into a viable digital format and finally, add color and finishing touches!

Take a look at this collection on FeaturePics ... no sales here yet, but the largest selection posted so far... and let me know what you think. Suggestions for topics and all ideas are always appreciated!

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