
They're Ba-a-ack!

The Turkey Buzzards are back! That means it's Spring in my part of the world!

These large birds are actually classified as a vulture, not buzzard. True buzzards are a type of raptor. The Turkey Vulture's wingspan can reach up to 6 feet across and their body weight usually averages around 6 pounds. This gives them the ability to soar, gliding gracefully on rising thermals. I have seen them obviously doing this for the sheer joy of it, rising far too high for spotting a meal! Groups of them can often be seen flying into a stiff wind, rising and dipping, looking just like a bunch of surfers riding the waves. It is a glorious sight!

Most folks are a bit put off by vultures since they are carrion eaters, but they provide a vital service. Think about what our highways might look like without this clean-up crew on duty! You can readily see the adaptations nature has made for this diet by their bald head. This allows them to reach inside a carcass without getting a lot of nasty residue on their feathers. Looking at their beaks, you might think they are kin to raptors, hawks and eagles for instance, but they aren't. They are related to storks and ibis. A quick look at their feet reveals a weak, chicken-like appendage built for mere holding and walking instead of the strong carrying and tearing feet of the birds of prey.

1 comment:

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