
Monkey Wrenches!

Delays abound in the video department!
I do believe it mostly boils down to the fact that I am a compulsive perfectionist... I must be. Those jerky transitions and choppy fades are not acceptable. I haven't yet learned enough about file compression or something to get it fixed it seems and am unwilling to publish a totally technically crappy piece... just because it will play in Windows Media.
Working with a couple of new softwares that look promising though. If time allows I might have something hammered out in a couple of weeks. I just can't take those learning curves as quick as I used to...


New Stuff in the Works!

I'm finally about ready to start posting some videos!
I have been working on a series of "How To Draw" shows. The first in the series is "How To Draw: A Cartoon Cat", followed by "How To Draw: Coloring Your Cat". Both are to be located on "Gramma's Country Crafts" pages.

These are primarily geared for the adult wanting to learn how to draw quick cartoon critters and scenes for use as coloring pages or decorations for the kids. The principles and techniques are exceptionally easy and the premise is that absolutely anyone who can sign their name, can draw cartoon characters.

I can hear it already! "But I can't draw a straight line!" Good! Nothing in nature is straight! If you need a straight line, use a ruler. Everyone I know can draw rude circles, triangles and wavy lines. Once you see how to put these together in a pattern, you will realize how easy basic cartooning can be and that you can do it too!

Should have the first two up within a couple of days, so check back!
Be sure to let me know what you think when you view them.
I need feedback on motivational quality, easy of understanding and anything else you might find annoying or glitchy about the show. The picture quality is not the greatest, but I'm working on that... lol. Yeah, tacking pictures of that new camcorder I want all over the house and workshops. Wonder if Grandpa's going to get the hint?

Browsers and connection differences are things I can't always check myself and letting me know how it worked in your browser and with your dial-up or other connections helps. If you encountered problems, be sure to let me know the browser used and your type/speed of connection.


What a Beautiful Day!

I do believe Spring is in the air! The breeze has a teasing warmth to it and it is calling my name to come outside and play.

Sometimes I wish I could be in several places at once. Don't we all? There is so much I want to do and need to get done that I get positively overwhelmed and end up doing very little that is constructive!

So, today I will take a lesson from all those 'efficiency experts' and just start somewhere. It's off to clean up the debris of winter in the yard! OOOHhhh... and get the beds and planters ready for next month! Ahhhh... and pull out the lawn furniture and clean the fire pit to get ready for star gazing. It is almost warm enough at night now to make that appealing!

Okay. No more postings for today! I'm off to be the wizard! Slip on my "Domestic Goddess" garb and flit about the house making this home a castle with banners in the wind! For any of you unenlightened readers out there, translate this as getting gussied up in grubbies, finding the rake, mop and broom and having fun with house & yard work. What a wonderful concept and perspective! WooHoo! See y'all later!