
Long time no see!

Well, it's been such a long time since posting!

It was a busy summer, but it is winding down and I am finally getting back to a bit of writing and computer time. Gardens were a bust this year and my new/old passion for photography took over in their stead.

Decided I needed to do something with the hundreds of photos taken besides clutter up my computer, so I have begun to try my luck on microstock photography sites.

The picture of a mule may seem unrelated to the topic, besides just being one of my photos, but believe me, it is fitting! It is taking all the stubborn tenacity that I have to re-learn what I've forgotten about cameras, translate that to digital and try to develop a commercial photographer's eye...

What fun! I didn't realize what a terrible photographer I am until I started trying to take marketable pictures. This has been a wonderful challenge and has totally changed the way I use my camera.

Equipment is an issue now that I am getting a clue and a new camera is going to be a necessity. Already have some acceptances on a couple of stock photo sites, but still haven't made the grade on the one I really want to qualify with... Making that hurdle will take fine tuning my market awareness as well as a big learning curve with the editing software.

I will be working on adding material to most of the other Gramma's sites over the next few weeks, so be sure to check them out periodically!